The Catholic Church embarked on a mission to woo Protestant leaders, especially of the Faith Movement to join the church. The Argentinian Pope Francis knows well about the growth of those churches in South America. The “culprit” is the Faith Movement that “steals” the Catholic sheep. The Swedish founder of the “Word of Life” Church in Uppsala Sweden, Ulf Ekman, has just joined the Catholic Church. The Pope now also woos Kenneth Copeland. Ekman likes the priesthood, he said, (the robes, I suppose) the organization (as if God loves organizations, which are Kenite and temporary); and he likes the liturgies and ceremonies. I wonder if any of these big preachers are really born again.
The more you understand the more you know and the more you know the wiser you become. That’s just a natural progress of things. Some people may be afraid to know too much, but one cannot ever have too much of knowledge when it comes to God, His Kingdom as it is both plainly and secretly presented to us in His Word. There are messages that are plainly on the table, but also messages that are under the table. Those on the inside, dwelling in God’s chambers; can let you in on some secrets; provided you are up to speed to get them.
God hired laborers for the harvest, but He also has sons. In Matthew 7:20-24 we read something very wise and quite plain. We know them by their outward fruits. Perhaps most of those in religion are only hirelings and not sons? Hired hands (the laborers hired only for the harvest) must carry God’s truth, thus they are anointed, but only for that service of harvesting. The sons may be a bit lethargic for to them belongs everything; so they are not as ambitious as the hirelings are. The hirelings work for the glory bit, fame and money, but sons do not.
Video: Learn more about hirelings
I often said in my meetings. “All that I preach is the Truth and I would risk my life for what I proclaim, that’s how well I know what God places on my tongue and who actually speaks, not me but Him. But if someone stepped into the meeting and shouted, “All this preacher says is a complete lie. Don’t listen to him!” I guarantee you that many would be deeply perturbed and perhaps even the majority would agree with the shouter against the preacher. Why would that be so? God’s Word is like the uncomfortable sword and as the prophet Jeremiah said, it is fire and hammer that shatters rocks (Jeremiah 23:29). The Word of Truth penetrates, it pierces and the flesh hates it. Subconsciously people do not like it; so any arising “opportunity” like that of the shouter quickly gets them off the hook. Subconsciously people wish to see yet another fallen preacher. The root of self-righteousness can’t wait to sprout and take over the garden. Just think about it.
Greeks seek philosophy and they indoctrinate for they do not know the individual freedom. Once you lay down the rail tracks the trains will go on them having no freedom to go anywhere else; so it is with indoctrination. Most of today’s Bible preaching is indoctrination, although some well meaning teachers do not even know it. Figuring out the future events is indoctrination leaving no room for each individual. I do not do this. I leave it all up to you. I educate and reason. Some do not like that freedom, which requires responsibility. Some would rather be indoctrinated so when bad times come they can blame the preacher for it. Some turn their back on religion, church and a preacher for they have been so disappointed.
Indoctrination is a borderline brainwashing and anyone allowing him or herself thus be brainwashed surrender their freedom. Then people must cope with disagreements saying, ‘I don’t believe it. It is false. You are false, etc.’ Why? Because they were indoctrinated and became like that choo-choo train that runs on the same tracks over and over again. They never tasted space, which is grace, which is freedom. False piety and religiousness can be easily broken with higher knowledge.
Here we see how the business competitors and racists swayed one of the future US presidents who was dubbed into discrimination. Here is an excerpt of the story.
Grant’s order prohibited the issuing of trade licenses to Jews within the Tennessee district. Furthermore, it required them to leave the district within 24 hours of the order or risk imprisonment. Grant’s zealous underlings immediately began to enforce the order: Entire families were marched out of town with only what they could carry.
According to the American Jewish Historical Society’s research, Lincoln did not know about Grant’s order and expressed surprise when a group of Jewish leaders met with him to protest Grant’s decree. President Lincoln disapproved of the order and expressed his disbelief to Grant in a letter: “a paper purporting to be [issued by you] has been presented here. It expels all Jews from your department. If such an order has been issued, it will be immediately revoked.” Three days later, Grant obeyed the commander in chief’s orders and revoked General Order No. 11. Lincoln later told Jewish representatives, “To condemn a class is, to say the least, to wrong the good with the bad” and promised to not only rid the country of slavery, but to protect Americans from religious discrimination.
Grant’s reputation was not tarnished by the General Order No. 11 episode. In fact, after the war, most Americans regarded Grant as a hero and he went on to win the majority of the Jewish vote in the presidential election of 1868. As president, he appointed Jews to top federal positions.
Greeks seek philosophy and they indoctrinate for they do not know the individual freedom. Once you lay down the rail tracks the trains will go on them having no freedom to go anywhere else; so it is with indoctrination. Most of today’s Bible preaching is indoctrination, although some well meaning teachers do not even know it. Figuring out the future events is indoctrination leaving no room for each individual. I do not do this. I leave it all up to you. I educate and reason. Some do not like that freedom, which requires responsibility. Some would rather be indoctrinated so when bad times come they can blame the preacher for it. Some turn their back on religion, church and a preacher for they have been so disappointed.
Indoctrination is a borderline brainwashing and anyone allowing him or herself thus be brainwashed surrender their freedom. Then people must cope with disagreements saying, ‘I don’t believe it. It is false. You are false, etc.’ Why? Because they were indoctrinated and became like that choo-choo train that runs on the same tracks over and over again. They never tasted space, which is grace, which is freedom. False piety and religiousness can be easily broken with higher knowledge.
Here we see how the business competitors and racists swayed one of the future US presidents who was dubbed into discrimination. Here is an excerpt of the story.

According to the American Jewish Historical Society’s research, Lincoln did not know about Grant’s order and expressed surprise when a group of Jewish leaders met with him to protest Grant’s decree. President Lincoln disapproved of the order and expressed his disbelief to Grant in a letter: “a paper purporting to be [issued by you] has been presented here. It expels all Jews from your department. If such an order has been issued, it will be immediately revoked.” Three days later, Grant obeyed the commander in chief’s orders and revoked General Order No. 11. Lincoln later told Jewish representatives, “To condemn a class is, to say the least, to wrong the good with the bad” and promised to not only rid the country of slavery, but to protect Americans from religious discrimination.
Grant’s reputation was not tarnished by the General Order No. 11 episode. In fact, after the war, most Americans regarded Grant as a hero and he went on to win the majority of the Jewish vote in the presidential election of 1868. As president, he appointed Jews to top federal positions.
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