Revulsion at something horrible is one thing, but sleeping and never seeing evil is also evil. Why? Because that evil will freeze your senses and you may be the victim. If the Jewish people (Israelis) did not turn into lions after being slaughtered like sheep, and fought people like the modern Nazis Hamas, PLO or ISIS we would all be be already exterminated. If Mossad did nothing, or the Nazi Hunter Wiesenthal, we would be guilty. Yet, as Jews we must see horrors, we are peacemakers, but not pacifists when facing evil. We must know what's going on around us, so it won't catch us by surprise. Enough is enough.

King David was God's beloved, but his job was to fight Israel's enemy; hence, he was not allowed to build Beth HaMigdash (the Holy Temple), but Shlomo, the man of peace, Solomon was permitted to build the temple. One does the physical battle, but the other the peacemaking deal. I am not a soldier like the US Marine or Navy Seal. But others are anointed for it and it is of God's doing.  It is necessary. (Later you will understand Elijah and Jehu.)

David had to do the repairing for those before him (under Joshua) did not finish the job as God had commanded. God saw the future, but the Israelites did not. They were humanists, pacifists, although dread and horror fell upon all the peoples of Canaan. Even hornets were sent before the army of Israel.

In 1967 when the Israeli army entered Bethlehem the Arabs cried that they come to slaughter them and they were ready for it. But instead the Israelis smiled, shook hands and gave them chocolates. Today Bethlehem us surrounded by high walls.  No Israeli is allowed to enter Bethlehem.

When God anoints someone like Samson or Gideon He expects them to fully finish the job 100%, never partially. I am not anointed to do this. But God chooses mighty warriors to repay evil to the evildoer in His own time.

[2Samuel 22:27] With the pure You show Yourself pure, and with the perverted You show Yourself astute.

[Psalm 18:26] With the pure You show Yourself pure, and with the crooked You show Yourself astute.

How many times must I repeat myself? You may say that this is the Old Testament, in the New Testament (in Christianity) we hate sin, but love the sinner. So go ahead and love the ISIS people. Try to separate their sin from them.

We have too much religious gibberish and much foolishness in our heads, no understanding and no knowledge of God and His ways regarding this evil world ... I repeat myself again.

If we do not cleanse it of evil we will perish along with the evildoers. We live by a very thin thread of grace.

[Numbers 25:7-8] When Phinehas the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, saw it, he arose from the midst of the congregation and took a spear in his hand, [8] and he went after the man of Israel into the tent and pierced both of them through, the man of Israel and the woman, through the body. So the plague on the sons of Israel was checked.

Imagine the picture of Phineas piercing the copulating couple with his javelin.

Imagine Jehu's zeal that fell on him like a garment to fulfill Elijah's words of prophecy.

[2Kings 9:18] So a horseman went to meet him and said, “Thus says the king, ‘Is it peace?’” And Jehu said, “What have you to do with peace? Turn behind me.” And the watchman reported, “The messenger came to them, but he did not return.”   

What did he say? "What have you to do with peace?"

Most do not feel God's zeal and His righteousness but some flimsy self-righteous pacifism. Yet, God shows us all the evils in this world and tests us by this show. What do you feel and what's your reaction? Are you so much into your own self that you are scared and therefore powerless? I could go on and preach with God's zeal here and lay my life down for you... Would that delight you?

Elijah was zealous for the Lord and he felt God's heart. But Jehu executed this wrath, how? Read some more: 

[2Kings 9:22; 26] When Joram saw Jehu, he said, “Is it peace, Jehu?” And he answered, “What peace, so long as the harlotries of your mother Jezebel and her witchcrafts are so many?” [26] ‘Surely I have seen yesterday the blood of Naboth and the blood of his sons,’ says the LORD, ‘and I will repay you in this property,’ says the LORD. Now then, take and cast him into the property, according to the word of the LORD.”

Then imagine the graphic portrayal of Jezebel's death and the fulfillment of Elijah's prophecy:

[36-37] This is the word of the LORD, which He spoke by His servant Elijah the Tishbite, saying, ‘In the property of Jezreel the dogs shall eat the flesh of Jezebel; [37] and the corpse of Jezebel will be as dung on the face of the field in the property of Jezreel,' so they cannot say, “This is Jezebel.”

David had to rectify many mistakes. Today, the Palestinian Arabs say, "Kill us first or we will kill you." The mayor of East Jerusalem, in 1980's said, we are the Canaanites you should have destroyed, just as God had commanded you to. But you failed to obey God; so now we will destroy you." This was written in the Jerusalem Post. 

Should we not see the evil acts of Hitler; gassed, starved, Jewish corpses piled up in the most evil way imaginable? Yad Vashem in Jerusalem portrays but a mild picture of the Holocaust in comparison with what really took place.

If we do not get shocked we cannot fix this world on which we supposed to shed our light.

The German people were ordered to see the corpses. Yes, they wept, but rather for their mistake; for choosing a man who campaigned on the anti-Semitic ticket spilling his vehement hatred of the Jews for 24 years, wasn't that long enough? They wept for the loss of their hope of being great and rule the world for 1000 years. It's a human thing. They knew well, yet repeatedly they kept voting for the Nazi party until they got the Reichstag's majority. That's history.

Self-pity can be evil for it is no compassion. Self-pity is powerless, but compassion channels the power of God.

[Matthew 14:14] When He went ashore, He saw a large crowd, and felt compassion for them and healed their sick.

This is God's law of healing. When you feel true compassion you must then come out from your own secure and comfortable enclosure and feel the suffering of another and seek to do something about it. In it you will find a mix of revulsion, righteous zeal and compassion. That's what Moses felt when he killed the Egyptian for beating Hebrew slave. You may feel powerless, but when that powerlessness is presented to God something supernatural happens. I felt it many times and then God's power passed through me, even raising the dead.

Self-preservation (don't rock the boat, don't wake me up, don't shock me, be nice and sweet the way we like you and the way we have imagined you... Don't surprise us...) Pacifism. To pacify like with the baby's pacifier... make the kid suck on the rubber and don't you cry...

We do have tender hearts... but not for public display. We must have thick skin for the outside... and tender hearts within, for God. That is the material He seeks.

Israel has a law, which specifically stipulates that if you knew of evil and even though you have not taken part in it; you are still guilty because you have not intervened; so tacitly you have taken part in it. Yes, a friend of mine was arrested and spent time in prison just for that.

TACIT: understood or implied without being stated. "Your silence may be taken to mean tacit agreement."


Eine gewaltige Botschaft- so treffend wahre Worte! Ja- darin liegt Gottes Gesetz der Heilung: wahres Mitgefühl mit dem anderen zu fühlen, Anteil zu nehmen an seinem Leid, Schmerz und seiner Trauer. Warum bringt uns das Heilung- weil wir dann wieder Zugang zu unseren Gefühlen haben, und das ist es, was uns Menschen ausmacht: Empathie. Aber tun wir das- fühlen wir tatsächlich WAHRES Mitgefühl? Die meisten Menschen verfallen in Selbstmitleid... falsche Tränen, die wie ein echtes Mitfühlen erscheinen. Warum? Weil die meisten in unserer Gesellschaft gar keinen Zugang mehr haben zu ihren wahren Gefühlen, weil sie in ihrer frühesten Kindheit lernen mußten, wahre Gefühle zu unterdrücken und zu verdrängen, um einfach als Kind überleben zu können. Eine wahre Identität wurde somit nie entwickelt- nur ein Identifikation mit einer äußeren Autorität, die eine angebliche Sicherheit,Geborgenheit und Macht vermittelte. Wahre Gefühle wie Schmerz, Leid, Trauer gelten schon immer als Schwäche und somit störend für das Erfolgsdenken und Machtstreben der Menschen. Das kognitive, rationale Bewußtsein hat das empathische Bewußtsein fast völlig verdrängt- wie sonst ist es erklärbar, dass solche Bilder vom Bösen und vom Terror in der Welt kaum jemanden "wahrhaft "berühren?! Wenn wir tatsächlich berührt sind und Mitgefühl empfinden, dann tun wir auch etwas, um dem Ausdruck zu geben. Es ist schon bezeichnend und traurig genug, dass die Menschheit überhaupt solche Bilder braucht, um "wachgerüttelt" zu werden...

September 9, 2014 at 2:38 AM comment-delete



Rabbi Dr. Chaim Simons

P.O.B. 1775, Kiryat Arba
90100, Israel

tel and fax: 02-9961252 (within Israel),

972 2 9961252 (from outside Israel)


August 2007

November 2, 2014 at 9:12 AM comment-delete



Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Sanhedrin 64a

Soncino 1961 Edition, page 437

Following the Mishnah is a discussion among the sages. One of the Talmud Sages, Rabbi Ashi, comments as follows:

GEMARA. R. Ashi propounded: What if one caused his blind or sleeping son to pass through, (3) or if he caused his grandson by his son or daughter to pass through? — One at least of these you may solve. For it has been taught: [Any men ... that giveth any of his seed unto Molech; he shall he put to death ... And I will set my face against that man, and will cut him off from among his people;] because he hath given of his seed unto Molech. Why is this stated? — Because it is said, there shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire. From this I know it only of his son or daughter. Whence do I know that it applies to his son's son or daughter's son too? From the verse, [And if the people of the land do any ways hide their eyes from the man] when he giveth of his seed unto Molech [and kill him not: Then I will ... cut him off.]

— Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Sanhedrin 64b

Soncino 1961 Edition, page 439

Rabbi Dr. Freedman, one of the translators of the Soncino Tractate Sanhedrin, clarifies the passage. In a footnote, Rabbi Dr. Freedman confirms that the Talmud Sages use "seed" to denote living children, in the same sense as the Biblical translators understand the term in the above Biblical quotes. In this footnote, Rabbi Dr. Freedman paraphrases the question from Rabbi Ashi:

3. Is 'thou shalt not cause to pass' applicable only to a son who can naturally pass through himself, but not to a blind or sleeping son, who must be led or carried, or does it apply to all?

Rabbi Dr. Freedman

Other footnotes within the same context clarify the fine point of distinction being drawn in the Mishnah and subsequent debates among the sages:

5. Lev. XVIII, 21. This proves that the offence consists of two parts; (I) formal delivery to the priests, and (2) causing the seed to pass through the fire.

Rabbi Dr. Freedman (2)

5. As two separate offences, proving that giving one's seed to Molech is not idolatry. The differences [sic] is, that if one sacrificed to Molech, or caused his son to pass through the fire to some other deity, he is not punished.

Rabbi Dr. Freedman (3)

Following the Mishnah, Sanhedrin 64a and 64b contain a rousing debate between the Sages concerning:

* the circumstances under which worshipping an idol is idolatry,

* which idols may be worshipped without indulging in idolatry,

* which parts of child sacrifice in what combination are punishable, and

* how children may be sacrificed without violating Leviticus.

JEWS SHOULD READ 1 KINGS 11:1-11; AMOS 5:22-27!


November 2, 2014 at 9:13 AM comment-delete



The following are two quotes from unpublished sources whose content I have tried -- so far unsuccessfully -- to have verified by rabbinical scholars. I suspect that their ultimate source is the book The Holocaust Dogma of Judaism by Ben Weintraub. The meaning of the second quote is made clearer if one understands something about Gematria, the Kabbalistic practice of interpreting texts by associating words and numbers. This material by itself does not prove the scriptural origins of the Six Million, but in combination with the fact that the number was used in other places (see below), this seems to clinch the case.
[Quote 1] Jewish prophecies in the Torah require that 6 million Jews must "vanish" before the state of Israel can be formed. "You shall return minus 6 million." That's why Tom Segev, an Israeli historian, declared that the "6 million" is an attempt to transform the Holocaust story into state religion. Those six million, according to prophecy, had to disappear in "burning ovens", which the judicial version of the Holocaust now authenticates. As a matter of fact, Robert B. Goldmann writes: ". . . without the Holocaust, there would be no Jewish State." A simple consequence: Given six million Jews gassed at Auschwitz who ended up in the "burning ovens" (the Greek word holocaust means burned offerings), therefore, the prophecies have now been "fulfilled" and Israel can become a "legitimate state". --Unknown
[Quote 2] Regarding the 'six million' number you should know the following: In the Hebrew text of the Torah prophesies, one can read "you shall return". In the text the letter "V" or "VAU" is absent, as Hebrew does not have any numbers; the letter V stands for the number 6. Ben Weintraub, a religious scientist, learned from rabbis that the meaning of the missing letter means the number is '6 million'. The prophesy then reads: You will return, but with 6 million less. See Ben Weintraub: "The Holocaust Dogma of Judaism", Cosmo Publishing, Washington 1995, page 3. The missing 6 million must be so before the Jews can return to the Promised Land. Jahweh sees this as a cleaning of the souls of the sinful people. The Jews must, on the return to the Promised Land, be clean -- the cleaning shall be done in burning stokes. --A Correspondent

A. On page 482 of the article on 'Anti-Semitism' in the the 10th Edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica (1902) is found the words: "While there are in Russia and Rumania six millions of Jews who are being systematically degraded...".
B. In the American Hebrew Magazine of October 31, 1919, there appeared an article entitled "The Crucifixion of Jews Must Stop!" By Martin H Glynn, former governor of the state of New York. This article begins, "From across the sea, six million men and women call to us for help ...". The article was published approximately 20 years before the outbreak of WW2.

November 2, 2014 at 9:16 AM comment-delete



Here are two early "Holocaust" tales from the Talmud: Gittin 57b. The Jewish Talmud claims that four billion Jews were killed by the Romans in the city of Bethar. Gittin 58a claims that 16 million Jewish children were wrapped in scrolls and burned alive by the Romans.

Gittin 57b
Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard KILLED two hundred and eleven MYRIADS, and in Jerusalem he KILLED ninety-four MYRIADS on one stone, until their blood went and joined that of Zechariah...

10,000 x 211

10,000 x 94

Emperor Hadrian who KILLED in Alexandria of Egypt sixty MYRIADS on sixty MYRIADS, twice as many as went forth from Egypt.


The last words spoken by Emperor Hadrian were:

"I never want to see another Jew or a Tattoo again."

Jews always had a problem with numbers!

Was it 6 Million or 4 Billion?

What's a few 000000 between claims?
It is ironic that Hitler anticipated the psychology of the "big lie" in his remarks on the subject in Chapter X of Mein Kampf. It is also ironic that the most mind-boggling accounts of exterminations appear in the Jewish Talmudic literature in connection with the last two of the three great Jewish revolts against Rome, the Diaspora revolt of 115-117 AD and the Palestine revolt of 132-135 AD. In connection with the Palestine revolt of 66-70 AD the Talmudic writings do nothing more than bewail the loss of the temple in Jerusalem and discuss implications of the loss for Jewish law. A good discussion of the three reports is given in Michael Grant's The Jews in the Roman World.
According to the ancient accounts (mainly Cassius Dio, who wrote around 200 AD, and Eusebius, the early fourth century Bishop of Caesarea) the Diaspora revolt started in Cyrenaica (northeast Libya) at a time when the Emperor Trajan had, for the purposes of annexing Parthia and its valuable Mesopotamian territory, constituted a huge eastern army at the price of withdrawing many small contingents which had served to keep order in various parts of the Empire. The Jews attacked the Greek and Roman civilian population and it is said that they killed 220,000 in Cyrenaica, amusing themselves in various gruesome ways. The revolt then spread to Egypt where the Jews killed an unknown number, and to Cyprus, where they are said to have killed 240,000. In Alexandria, however, the predominantly Greek population gained control of events and are said to have massacred that city. Recent archeological evidence indicates that the ancient accounts are not exaggerated.
The Talmud says almost nothing about this revolt, except to give the number of Jews killed in Alexandria as "sixty myriads on sixty myriads, twice as many as went forth from Egypt", i.e. 1,200,000 on the assumption that addition and not multiplication is intended. The killings are blamed on "the Emperor Hadrian," which may be due to the fact that the Hadrian was at the time the commander of Trajan's eastern army and succeeded Trajan as Emperor when Trajan died in 117, possibly before the final suppression of the revolt.

November 2, 2014 at 9:20 AM comment-delete




The figure given for the number of Jewish victims is obviously exaggerated for, while it is usually difficult to be more than approximately correct in estimating the population of ancient cities, Alexandria of the period had a population of 500,000 or more, with an upper bound of one million a reasonable one to assume because that was the approximate population of the city of Rome, a figure concerning which there is also some uncertainty, but if Rome ever attained a population significantly greater than one million, it never got near two million. The 1,200,000 martyred Jews may seem a brazen invention but you haven't seen anything yet.
The next great revolt was in Palestine in 132-135 and was a serious attempt by its leader, Bar-Kokhba, to set up a Jewish state with himself as king, although he eventually claimed to be the Messiah. During the revolt he made laws, issued money, and performed the other regular functions of government.
Bar-Kokhba's end came in 135. Jerusalem not being suitable to withstand a siege, he led the remnants of his army to Bathar (the present Bittir), which is located on high ground about ten miles southwest of Jerusalem, 25 miles from the Dead Sea and 35 miles from the Mediterranean. The dimensions of the ancient town were roughly rectangular, with a north-south length of about 600 meters and an east-west width of about 200 metres. The south half of the town was fortified. These dimensions plus the fact of the estimates for the Jewish population of Palestine of the time ranged from a low of 500,000 to a high of 2.5 million make it unlikely that Bar-Kokhba's Bethar army numbered as many as 50,000 men.
The Romans laid siege to Bethar in the summer of 135 and Bar-Kokhba's resistance collapsed in August. The Romans broke into the fortress and Bar-Kokhba was killed in that final battle.

For general reasons it seems unlikely that the Romans carried out a massacre of the Jewish population of Bethar. The only "evidence" for a general massacre occurs in the Talmudic literature (including in this context the Midrash Rabbah) which for reasons unknown comments extensively on the siege of Bethar and its supposed aftermath. Except where noted, the Talmudic passages are reproduced in the Appendix to the book Bar-Kokhba by the archaeologist Yigael Yadin. The size of Bar-Kokhba's Bethar army is given as 200,000 men. Bar-Kakhba is said to have been so tough that, when the Romans catapulted missiles into his fort, he would intercept the missiles with his knee with such force that he would knock them back into the faces of the astonished Romans, killing many. The Talmud goes on to claim that the number of Jews killed by the Romans after the fortress fell was 4 billion "or as some say" 40 million, while the Midrash Rabbah reports 800 million martyred Jews. In order to reassure us that these figures are given in earnest, the necessarily accompanying events are set forth. The blood of the slain Jews reached to the nostrils of the Romans' horses and then, like a tidal wave, plunged a distance of one mile or four miles to the sea, carrying large boulders along with it, and staining the sea a distance of four miles out.

The Jewish school children of Bethar, according to the Talmudic literature, were of course not spared by the Romans, who are said to have wrapped each of them in his scroll, and then burned all of them, the number of these school children having been 64 million or at least 150,000 (the approximate present public school population of Washington, D.C.).

November 2, 2014 at 9:24 AM comment-delete



[The Reason Gentiles Should Be Judeophobia- Fear of Jews]



"If there was a legal case between a Jew and a Gentile (non-Jew), then the manner of judging between them is as I will explain: if we [i.e., a Jew] will win under their laws, we judge them according to their laws and say to them: this is your law! If it is better that we judge according to our laws, we judge them according to our laws and say to them: this is our law! And do not find it difficult, and don't be surprised by it, just as one is not surprised about the slaughter of animals even though they have done no harm, for one in whom human characteristics are not complete is not truly a man, and his end purpose is only for 'man' [that is to say, the entire raison d'etre of the Gentiles is only for the benefit of the complete man --

comment by Rabbi Y. Kapach shlita in his edition of Maimonides's Commentary on the Mishnah], and the discussion on this matter requires a separate book."

The King's Torah, a book written by Rabbi Yitzhak Shapira, head of the Yeshivat Od Yosef Chai (Joseph Still Lives), in the Yitzhar settlement located in the West Bank, south of the city of Nablus. The book is co-authored by Rabbi Yosef Elitzur, a teacher at the same religious Yeshiva. It should be noted that this book is just the tip of the iceberg of extremist, racist, and anti-human ideas that poison the mobilized students' minds of the Jewish religious schools in the West Bank settlements, in addition to the settler rabbis who foment hatred, racism, and hostility among their followers in the settlements, yeshivas or beyond toward the Palestinians.

The King's Torah aims to determine the position of the Torah and Jewish law on gentiles (non-Jews or 'goyim' in Hebrew), which the Jewish State and the Jews must be committed and adhere to. The book classifies mankind into multiple ranks. According to this classification, Jews are ranked higher. They are, immeasurably, better than any other human beings. It deems the Jews as the only real humans, while the gentiles are lower in rank - closer to the status of animals. Therefore, the Jewish State and the Jews should take discriminative attitudes toward them, at best, or allow them be killed, or they should often be killed, particularly in time of war.

November 2, 2014 at 9:26 AM comment-delete


Published in 2009 by the Biblical Institute in Od Yosef Chai Yeshiva, the 230-page The King's Torah consists of an introduction, six chapters, and a summary. The Biblical Institute intends to issue a second volume of the book once the authors complete it. It will address a range of topics, such as the position of The King's Torah toward the "minorities in the Jewish State".

In chapter one, the authors confirm that the biblical obligation "Thou shalt not kill" only prohibits the killing of a Jew by a Jew, but it does not apply at all to the Jew who kills one or more gentiles. The book points out that in many cases the Jew has the right to kill the gentiles. In many other cases, the Jew should kill the gentiles.
In chapter two, entitled "The Killing of a Non-Jew Who Violates the Seven Laws (of Noah)," the authors stress that a non-Jew who violates one of the laws ordained on Noah's sons "must be killed". God, according to the authors, asked all human beings to accept His Torah, but only the Children of Israel responded while all other human beings rejected God's ordinance. Therefore, God distinguished the Children of Israel from all other human beings, and gave them a very special and reputable status and drew them to Him. Conversely, God degraded the gentiles, whom the authors call "Noah's sons" and classify them in lower ranks in a hierarchy of classification for the human beings set by The King's Torah. Noah's sons must commit themselves to the Seven Laws ordained by God through the Children of Israel, with any Jew having the right to kill anyone from Noah's sons who violates one of the Seven Laws. The implementation of this murder, according to the authors, does not require a court of law or prosecution witnesses. It is enough for a Jewish person to see or know that a non-Jew violates one of the Seven Laws and thus kills him.

In chapters three and four, the authors compare between Jews and gentiles, focusing on how far each side adheres to their respective beliefs and their position on murder. The Jews are freer to kill non-Jews than the gentiles can kill other gentiles, the authors conclude.

November 2, 2014 at 9:30 AM comment-delete


In chapter five, entitled "The Killing of Gentiles in War," the authors write that it is not only the fighters who engage in war against Israel that should be killed, but any citizen in the region or in a hostile state, who encourages fighters or expresses satisfaction with their actions, must be killed as well. They add that the citizens of a hostile state or region, who do not encourage their state to commit acts of war, can be killed, claiming that the Jewish law doubts that they do not want, in time of peace, to shed the blood of the Jews. This suspicion is growing to the extent that they want to shed the blood of the Jews in time of war, thus allowing the killing of those innocent civilian gentiles who do not participate at all in the course of war. The authors give other reasons for allowing the killing of innocent civilians.

"A large part of the malice and evil that exists within these civilian gentiles stems from their violation of the Seven Laws," the authors say.

"Hence, we would enforce the ruling and kill them because of their violation of this. This is why our great sages ruled that the best gentiles during the time of war are ‘the dead' - that is, there is no room for reforming the gentiles, given their intensive danger and malice. As for children from birth through adolescence, who of course do not violate the Seven Laws for not realizing or hearing about them, can be killed "because of the future risk they pose if they are allowed to live and grow up and thus become evildoers like their parents."

The authors add,

"Of course, the children and other civilians, whom the evildoers seek their protection, are allowed to be killed too. Thus, the evildoers must be killed, even if this led to the killing of children and civilians."

November 2, 2014 at 9:32 AM comment-delete


In chapter six, "Targeting the Innocents," the authors tackle the killing of the innocents in a "good state," (i.e., Israel), saying that this "good state" used to force its innocent men to go to war and risk their life. Not only that, but the state used to appoint guards to stand behind the fighting soldiers to kill whoever escapes from them. The authors add that if the king could not harm his combatant citizens in order to participate in war and force them to make headway and be ready for death, his kingdom cannot face bad people who do not hesitate to kill to achieve victory. If the king, the authors conclude, is allowed to kill his innocent combatant men to force them to fight, he has the right and it is allowed to target the civilians belonging to the kingdom of evildoers.

The authors emphasize Israel's right to target and kill the citizens of a hostile state, regardless of their age and number. Even if they have just been born, elderly or on the brink of death, be they male or female, participating in fighting or not, Israel is entitled to target and kill them all. Their view is based on the Jewish law and rabbinic interpretations over ages. The authors use all provisions of Jewish law that allow for the killing of gentiles, such as the ruling of pursuing and persecuting the Jews, the din rodef (law of the pursuer), and slandering the Jews or din moser (law of the informant), all to justify Israel's killing of Palestinians. Again the authors confirm that the Palestinians should be killed because they violate the Seven Laws, adding that the Palestinian civilians who help the "killers" must be targeted, even if the innocent were forced to do so.

"Even if they are tied or imprisoned and no way to escape and have no choice but to stay in the same place, like hostages, they can be targeted, crushed and killed if this is the way to get rid of the evildoers. As we explained earlier, whoever helps to kill someone against their will can be targeted and killed. In many cases, children find themselves in such a case: they block, by their presence at the scene, the way of rescue. They are forced to do so unintentionally. However, they can be targeted and killed, for their presence helps murder."

Accordingly, it can be concluded that the The King's Torah justifies Israel's targeting and killing of hundreds of innocent Palestinian civilians if they happen to be, willingly or forcibly, in a big building where a wanted Palestinian is in.

The authors make a distinction between the laws of war that apply to non-Jewish States, and the laws that apply to Israel. In a war between two "fair" and "evil" non-Jewish States, if the military action carried out by the fair state leads to the killing of a large number of innocent citizens of the evil state to save a few citizens of the former, the latter is prohibited from carrying out this operation. However, "in war between Israel and gentiles, we simply prefer to kill non-Jews in order to save the Jews, because the lives of the Jews are more valuable and better, as we explained in Chapter Four. Moreover, the Jews are the ones who are reforming the world and also delivering the Word of God, especially the Seven Laws, to the whole world."

November 2, 2014 at 9:34 AM comment-delete


The authors put revenge in an aura of veneration in chapter six of The King's Torah, confirming that Israel should take revenge on the Palestinians. Revenge is a necessity that makes the killing of evildoers a must. It is an essential need to defeat and win. Therefore, it is possible to delay the burial of a dead body in order to take revenge. As manifestation of justice, revenge must be done with enthusiasm and "without accountability". Revenge is not only necessary for those alive, but also for the dead.

"In the world of the dead, there is a similarity between a person's soul and justice. The soul demands justice, which is revenge."

The authors add,

"No one must be excluded when Israel retaliates. All the Palestinians are vulnerable to retaliation. In the face of revenge, no one is innocent, be they old, young, children, men or women, and regardless of their health. Children and adults, men and women, whatever their condition, should be avenged."

Justifying the killing of children, particularly infants who have just been born, the authors say the Children of Israel had killed the young children of Midian (is a geographical place and a people mentioned in the Bible and in the Qur'an believed to be located in Saudi Arabia) in the bygone time. The killing of children en masse is not only meant to create a balance of terror, because those children belong to the evildoers, but for "the existence of an internal need for revenge," and the killing of children, especially the young, responds to this need. Enumerating reasons for the killing of Palestinian children, the authors say it is possible to deal with the necessity of killing Palestinian children on the basis that they are chosen by fate to be killed to save the Jews. By the same token, by killing them, evil can be avoided. "In addition to what we mentioned in the previous chapter, they are, of course, accused of becoming evildoers when they grow up," they say.

It is noted that all penalties and provisions included in The King's Torah book for any offense is murder and death. There are no penalties in the book but murder and death. Even the punishment prescribed by the book on the innocent is murder and death. Other penalties, such as imprisonment, fining or the like, have no room in the book. It is also noted that the book does not recognize international laws related to war, protection of civilians in time of war, or international humanitarian law on the prevention of genocide and punishment of the perpetrators. This is, perhaps, because the book assumes, as many Israelis believe, that Israel is above the international laws, and as long as the US administration supports Israel, the balance of power in the region will tilt in favor of Israel, while the Arab countries are subject to Israel and are unable to face or resist it.

November 2, 2014 at 9:37 AM comment-delete



The danger of this book lies in the fact that its hostile theories and ideas - the worst ever inhuman theories that emerged in human history - are not confined to a few setters isolated from the rest of the Israeli society. These ideas are adopted by very large segments of the Jewish settlers in the occupied Palestinian West Bank, and large groups of religious Zionists as well as the ultra-Orthodox Jews, the Haridim, in Israel.

The senior rabbis, who publicly support The King's Torah and defend what is mentioned in it, are not marginal at all. They are known for being belonging to the religious mainstream of Israel, both religious ultra-Orthodox (Haridim) and national-Zionist wings. In addition, thousands graduate from the Jewish religious schools (yeshivas) in the Israeli settlements and inside Israel after they have learnt hatred, resentment, and anti-human values, such as the hostile, attitudes toward the Palestinians calling for their expulsion and killing. These values are also based on the teachings mentioned in The King's Torah that advocate extermination of the Palestinians. The number of students is growing year after year as are the numbers in the Israeli army.

The danger of this book does not lie in the adoption and preaching of these ideas, even though it is very dangerous. Rather, large sectors of the settlers turn from the adoption of these ideas into putting them into action. Under the auspices of the Israeli government and the protection of the occupying Israeli army, the settlers have been assaulting Palestinians, their property, and holy places. The rabbis and yeshiva students, who revere the ideas of The King's Torah and deal with it as their original Torah, represent the spearhead of settlers and the occupation. They abuse the Palestinians, ravage their towns and villages, cut down their trees, and burn their farms, crops and mosques, thus turning their lives into a hell as a prelude to deportation. In this context, a secret, Jewish military organization named Tag Mehir emerged in 2009 from the ranks of those rabbis and their West Bank settlement yeshiva students, representing the military power of The King's Torah-guided settlers.

November 2, 2014 at 9:38 AM comment-delete


A huge Botschaft- so aptly true words! Yes it is God's law of cure: true compassion for the other to feel, to take a share in his suffering, pain, and his mourning. Why does this get us Heilung- because we then have access to our feelings, and that is what makes us human: empathy. But we do feel we DAS actually TRUE compassion? Most people fall into self-pity ... false tears that look like a genuine compassion. Why? Because most in our society no longer have access to their true feelings because they had to learn in their earliest childhood to suppress true feelings and to displace in order to simply survive as a child can. A true identity was thus never entwickelt- only an identification with an outer authority, mediated an alleged safety, security and power. True feelings such as pain, suffering, grief have always regarded as weakness and thus distracting for the success thinking and lust for power of the people. The cognitive, rational consciousness has the empathic consciousness almost entirely verdrängt- as otherwise it is explained that such images from evil and terror in the world hardly anybody "truly" touch ?! If we are really touched and feel compassion, then we do something, to give the expression. There is already significant and sad enough that humanity ever need those images to "wake-up call" to be ...





November 2, 2014 at 9:48 AM comment-delete

Obviously Larry, you are very confused. You are in neither place. You may be angry, frustrated, and seek a foothold and some kind of rest. Does it really matter if Moses existed or not? Moses (Moshe is a title for savior, just as Masha, Moshiah, Messiah - the anointed etc so is Joseph too). So remove Abraham then Moses, David, Solomon and then Jesus and then you have only the short memory, 600 AD Islam. That’s where you are going with this maze of ideas?

Keep on wandering. What do you have left? You seek justice, kindness or morality in this world? Islam terrorizes its adherents. Orthodox Judaism made thick fences, obligations, ceremonies, prayers from a book. In Christianity we have rituals, confessions, and of course believing. All these things breed frustration for none know peace and much, much less freedom.

You are showing off but scraps of isolated information ranting of other discontent people. Ego, pride, showing off but an empty drum. Where doe it all lead up to? To nothing. The ego will never be gratified and the self-identity is self-destructive. Unless you discover the Creator-identity you, like a hamster, will keep on running in the endless wheel of frustration. Well, you are on the wrong planet. None are righteous. But we are here to overcome evil with good; at least individually. So if you are in my presence you will find my peace and also healing for your troubled soul.

We can point fingers at every religion or ethnic group of people; that they are wrong, or believe in fairy-tails etc, so what’s left is just me, the human. The next religion is humanism, but where does it lead to? To death and nothingness.

I have seen angels, physically. I have seen dead raised with my own very eyes. More: I do not blindly believe I know. No one can take that away from me. What do you personally know, what have you experienced?

We do not need to go back into distant past to get lost and then decide that none of the people or the miraculous ever existed. It happens today right now, and yes God does it through me just as he can do it through you.

You see, i sound like a child, because I am innocent and I like it for only an adult can humble himself and become like a child and then this attitude opens up the storehouses of wealth, which cannot be measured with no currency.

November 6, 2014 at 9:16 AM comment-delete
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